Go lessons index
These are mostly lessons I learned from my own games - for instance when I had an "Aha!" while a professional Go player would review my game.
23. New joseki
22. Teaching game with Kato Masao
22. Learning from professional games (1)
20. Fighting techniques - kikashi
19. "Do you think this exchange is good for you?"
18. Beyond joseki
16. Kosumi-Tsuke: Use and Abuse
15. Kobayashi fuseki approach "rule of thumb"
14. Direction of play... and bad habits (2)
13. Yose tesuji
11. Find the opponent's weakest spot, and hit it hard
10. Forcing moves, and an eye for an eye
7. A Time to Expand, and a Time to Defend
6. Give a little to gain a lot
5. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
4. Professional, unprofessional, and fundamentals
3. Direction of Play... and Bad Habits (1)
2. Sometimes It's Better Not to Know Joseki
1. How to Estimate a Position by Changing the Order of Moves (Tewari)