First Steps After Learning the Rules of Go
This section is about what to do after learning the rules of Go: how to improve, where to play, etc.
- Find out if you can join some local Go club in the area you live in - if you are in a big city you are most likely in luck.
- Join some online Go forum - I like LifeIn19x19 and Reddit/Baduk.
- Join some online Go server.
- Just concentrate on capturing stones: whoever captures the first stone wins - this is called "Capture Go (or Atari Go)".
- Teach the rules to a friend, or a family member, or a coworker - and play a lot of "capture Go".
- It provides a lot of very useful information about Go: fundamental tactical and strategical concepts, how to study, and many interesting things about the professional Go world.
- I wrote a detailed review of this book in the articles section.
- You'll find yourself wanting to read this book again at again at various points in your Go career - so don't be disappointed if many things don't make sense at the first lecture.